

Distribution is a profile activity of "MOSTRA-GROUP". The company has been engaging it more than 30 years. During this time, we have become an experienced player in the market and can offer beneficial cooperation to our partners. Our goal is a creation of long-term alliances that will strengthen the competitive position of a partner in the market. Individual solutions is not our choice. We create effective loyalty programs that really work. "MOSTRA-GROUP" guarantees you the takeover of FMCG-market.

We follow the trends and innovations in the field of distribution, and that is why every solution proposed by us represents a verified scheme, which works for the future as well. In the "MOSTRA-GROUP" we are convinced that competent distribution opens up new horizons for you.

We offer a quality service that helps to evolve in the market with confidence and not to lose the final consumer, even in the harshest conditions:

  • timely and full provision of trade reporting to partners;
  • the ability to service customers through ServiceDesk: the status of delivery, the accompanying documents, stop list, accounts receivable, reconciliation with clients;
  • the market extent of trade and credit conditions;
  • business planning in the context of individual contracts;
  • direct communication with customers and partners.

The advantages of cooperation with our company:

  • a system approach;
  • standards of customer-focused service (internal and external);
  • automated business processes;
  • focus maintaining on each product;
  • unified approaches of planning;
  • value creation for partners and customers by supporting processes’ improvement.

We always interact with our customers, partners and each other!